Here are some things for you to take a look at...

Thank You's
My Class Schedule

AUGUST 13, 2003
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MAY 6, 2002
Well, I figured I outta get back to that updating thing I used to do. Not much new to tell really, someone stole over $500 in CD's from me not too long ago, we had snow on the ground again not too long ago, but its gone now. Final exams for the majority of the campus start tomorrow...or today as it were, it is 12:45 am. I don't know if I'm really ready for them or not but I will do my best. I guess thats all I got to say for now.
MARCH 25, 2002
Well its been almost forever since I last did this, I have wanted to do it at earlier times but was unable to do to time constraints. A lot of things have changed since the last time I posted a message. Where to begin...Things are going much better in classes now, I think I might just make it through this. I can't wait for this summer, I'm hopefully going to have a good job and be able to afford going to classes while I live at the house...ummm...well I guess that's all I can think of to say right now. Maybe I'll think of more stuff to add later.
FEBRUARY 14, 2002
Well one of the stupidest days of the year is over finally. It's about time. Today is one of the days I hate the most. It's funny how that works when you are single. Although I think it's probably better to be single then to be with someone. Then you have to make special arrangments and go out to dinner and buy stuff, all to show the person you care about something they should already know. Love doesn't come in the form of possesions. It's in the way you treat another person. Whether they realize it or not.
FEBRUARY 12, 2002
Well once again, I waited an awfully long time to do an update. Benn really busy lately. Winter Carnival is done thank goodness. So hopefully I will have some free time now. Not much has really happened in my life. Stupid Valentines Day is coming, what a dumb holiday. grrrr. Oh well I guess.
FEBRUARY 2, 2002
Well I haven't been keeping up-to-date on this lately, I prolly oughta get on that. I wrecked myself snowboarding today. I think I may have broken my ass, I'm not really sure. I know my ankle is screwed though. I'm wearing the brace from when I tore the ligaments in my ankle once again. Hopefully it will be all better but next Wednesday or at least by Friday. I have class on Wednesday and on Friday I have to compete for Phi Kap's for Winter Carnival. I'm sure as long as I take it easy I'll be in tip top shape by then. Although I think from now on I'm going to wear my brace when I board. Check out this new song. Answer the Phone - Sugar Ray
JANUARY 23, 2002
Well as it turns out I didn't forget about my sisters birthday, when I looked at the date on my computer it was 12:30 AM on the day of, I didn't catch that right away because I wasn't ready for bed so it didn't register that that was what was going on. Classes are going well. Other than that not much else to report.
JANUARY 22, 2002
Well I forgot about my sisters birthday...I guess I'll say something tomorrow...The first week of classes are over and the first day of the second week is over. Still havent had a Physics Lab...I guess I'll find out what happens in there later.
JANUARY 14, 2002
Well I went to my first day of classes...didn't go too bad. Got into most of my classes, hoping to be in all of them tomorrow. I guess I'll have to wait it out and see. I relubricated my cooling fan so I got the big POS running again, as well as the POS Laptop...kind of a nice setup actually...anyway, gotta head to bed. Peace.
JANUARY 13, 2002
Well other than my dog dying on Friday nothing else has happened. I start classes tomorrow...whoopee...don't have any money for books right now, hope I won't need many. I guess we shall see tomorrow. I'm not registered for any classes yet but I get to go to them tomorrow and until I am registered for them. Whatever...I hate Michigan Tech, what a terrible school, they fuck up, excuse my french, way too much.
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